Voluntariado en la selva del Manu
agosto 10, 2019 at 9:54 ,
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Programa de voluntariado, reforestación, aprendizaje y enseñanza combinado con excursiones vivenciales para turistas en el parque nacional del manu. Zona de amortiguamiento selva de cusco: 15Dias/14Noches
By jaguarundijungle@hotmail.com
Phone: 984638446
Rainforest Spirits & The people of the Rainforest
42 dollars per day - direct contact
Volunteer, reforestation, learning and teaching program combined with experiential excursions for tourists in the Manu National Park. Cusco jungle buffer zone: 15 Days / 14 Nights By jaguarundijungle@hotmail.com Phone: 984638446 CHIKICHINCHAY AND THEY NATIVE FRIENDS Rainforest Spirits & The people of the Rainforest